GOTS - Global Organic Textile Standard

CaMaRose is under a process, where certain yarn qualities are continuously being GOTS certified.
To know if a product is GOTS certified, you must look for the GOTS logo + license number on the label.
CaMaRose's license number is 1291462.
A valid Scope Certificate is the proof that the company meets the GOT standard.

GOTS is recognized as the world's leading processing standard for textiles made from certified organic raw materials. The standard includes strict environmentally and social criteria. Criteria which applies to the whole supply chain from raw materials to finished product.

A product with the label GOTS Organic contains a minimum of 95% organic fibres.
A product with the label GOTS Made with Organic contains a minimum of 70% organic fibres.

GOTS prohibits the use of environmentally and health hazardous substances
GOTS ensures good working conditions and social responsibility
GOTS sets criteria for animal welfare
GOTS sets criteria for the technical quality of finished products

GOTS prohibits the use of environmentally and health hazardous substances
  • GOTS prohibits the use of environmentally substances, endocrine disruptors and carciogenic substances
    • Including i.a. solvents, flame retardants, PFC, micro plastics
  • GOTS prohibits the use of
    • Dyes classified as allergenes
    • Colourants classified as carciogenic or suspected carciogenic
    • Dyes containing heavy metals as an integral part of the dye molecule (generel exception for iron, and copper is allowed in a small amount for specific dyes)
    • Dyes derived form threatened Red Listed species
  • Bleaching with chlorine is prohibited - oxygen based bleaches are allowed
  • Conventional cotton is prohibited in GOTS-certified products
  • GOTS prohibits GMO
  • Labels must be made of recycled, FSC certified paper
  • Plastic packaging must not contain PVC

GOTS ensures good working conditions and social responsibility
  • No forced labour
  • No child labour
  • No exploitation
  • Zero-tolerance policy for sexual harassment, abuse and gender-based violence
  • GOTS requires safe and hygenic working conditions for all textile workers
  • Workers have the right to
    • Freedom of association
    • Collective bargaining
    • Wages must minimum live up to the standards for national minimum wage

GOTS sets criteria for animal welfare
  • It is only allowed to use non-mulesed wool

GOTS sets criteria for the technical quality of finished products
  • GOTS products must meet specific demands for
    • Rubbing fastness
    • Light fastness
    • Perspiration fastness
    • Washing fastness
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